Three each of 4 different tungsten jig patterns. All tied sticky sharp high quality hooks.
This is set will help you build out a great Nymph box at an incredible value.
Naughty Bunny, This is essentially a Hare’s Ear with a metallic pink tungsten bead on a super sharp jig hook. Natural size, shape, & profile with a hot pink bead to grab attention.
Nightmare Perdigon, has proven to be highly effectively in swift water, quickly getting into the strike zone before they are swept out of the pocket. A dark profile with red hot spots grabs their attention.
Dirty Jig, is a fantastic all around nymph. Barbless, tungsten bead, soft hackle collar. A good generalist pattern that fish will eat on any river anywhere.
Blue Diamond Perdigon, Up your game in tough to fish “pocket water”, plunge pools, swift riffles, & runs. Drops into the strike zone quickly, and gets the fishes attention.